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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Career Development Process

The Career Development Process involves the completion of a variety of activities geared to help you to, initially, determine or confirm your desired life direction. We believe this is the initial action that must be taken in order to select an appropriate career or college major. Completing the four steps of the Career Development Process will take time. Taking action on the results can have a widespread and life-changing impact. Therefore, before you take action, it is strongly recommended that you confirm your career or college major decision with a qualified counselor and or other trusted persons. It may be sufficient for you to complete one, two or maybe all of the follow-up options presented in each one or more of the four steps. Regardless of what options you select, on completion, you will want to combine whatever ou learned with the information you may already have. After careful consideration of significant influencing factors, you should be in a better position to make a good decision about a career, college major and other big decisions in life.  

Step 1 - Self Assessment (INSIDE) The first and most important step of this process is Self Assessment. Step 1 focus is on the INSIDE of a person. After the successful completion of Step 1, you should have a good idea in terms of who you are and what’s most important in your life, ingredients considered by career specialists as crucial for determining accurate direction.

 Step 2 - Career Exploration (OUTSIDE) The second step of the process involves Career Exploration. Step 2 focus is on the OUTSIDE of a person. While it is important to know the first step you ought to take in order to make a good career or college major selection, it is also important to become aware of significant influencing areas outside of you that will need to be factored in before you finalize any big decision. Key areas on the outside of you include the World-Of-Work; Family, Faith/Beliefs; Leisure-Time and so on. It would be wise to consider and thoroughly examine supportive as well as non supporting aspects of each of these key areas prior to your career and/or occupational choice.  

Step 3 - Decision Making (CLOSER LOOK) Step 3 will require you to begin the process of Decision Making. It will require TAKING A CLOSER LOOK and, eventually making a decision. This is the point where you take what you have learned from your self assessment and career exploration and conduct more detailed research. The main goal is to narrow down possible options, consider any significant influencing factors, and select the career or college major you believe to be the best fit.  

Step 4 - Taking Action (MATCHING UP) Taking Action involves MATCHING UP the results of your self-assessment results and the most supportive aspects within significant influencing areas in Step 2. The main goal is to actually begin to do what you decided to pursue as a career or college major. This might entail enrolling into a college or training program; registering for a class; conducting a job search; creating a resume; filling out an application; participating in an interview, and so on.
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